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Bizzkit 23.2.0

Version 23.2.0
Release Date 06 Jun 2023
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Requirement Minimum supported version Tested version(s) Requirement of
SQL Server SQL Server 2016 SQL Server 2017 All
Elastic 7.17.9 7.17.9, 7.17.10 DAM, Ecommerce Search, PIM
Redis 6 6 Ecommerce Search
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SQL Server 2017 is the earliest version that is available as a docker image and so even though Bizzkit officially supports 2016, testing is done on 2017.

Elasticsearch is known to introduce breaking changes in minor releases and we therefore explicitly test the Bizzkit products with the two most recent releases. Other 7.17.x versions may work but are not tested explicitly.


  • Ecommerce search

    • Did-you-mean supports compound words. Will help users with common spelling errors that involves compound words. A unified search will also benefit from this improvement making it able to do searches that handles compound words.

    • Product Affinities Preview As makes it possible to see the affect of product affinities.




BCMS-850 As a product owner i need support for Elasticsearch 8 as ES7 is almost EOL

CMS has been updated to include support to ElasticSearch 8.


BCMS-678 As a product owner I need REST based implementation of the Reverse API method GetSegmentationsMethodV1Base in order to not rely as heavily on the customer solution

This update changes how segmentations and segmentation permissions are managed in the CMS.

Until now, segmentation information lived in and was owned by the customer solution, not the CMS. Therefore, the CMS needed to request this information from the customer solution every time it was needed. After this update, segmentation information now lives in the CMS, and will NOT be requested from the customer solution all the time.

A background service will be running and updating the database periodically in the background for the current customers.

New customers should call the newly added endpoints to update the database.

Segmentations are saved without any UI culture information.


A feature flag must be set in the environment in order to opt out of breaking changes. Please see Upgrade Instructions.

If the reverse API is enabled for fetching segmentations, any modifications done via the public API will be overwritten. Specifically, if your reverse API does not return the same set of segmentations and/or permissions that is currently persisted in CMS, it will ensure your reverse API is the source of truth, and delete unexpected data from CMS. If the segmentation keys or permissions match with your reverse API after you have persisted them via the public API, it will only overwrite fields and not delete the segmentation or permissions themselves. Please consider disabling the flag before using the public API for managing segmentations (if the flag was initially enabled) to keep the integration simpler.

Newly added endpoints:

  • POST /_/segmentations: Saves or updates the given segmentation
  • DELETE /_/segmentations/{id}: Deletes the segmentation of the given id. It also deletes any data related to this segmentation from the Segmentation Permission table.
  • POST /_/segmentation-permissions/by-user-and-key/{segmentationKey}: Saves permission for the given user and given segmentation key
  • DELETE /_/segmentation-permissions/by-user-and-key/{segmentationKey}: Deletes the permission for the given segmentation key for the given user.
  • POST /_/segmentation-permissions: Gets the segmentation permissions of the given user.
  • POST /_/segmentation-permissions/keys/{segmentationKey}: Gets the users who have permission to the given segmentation key.



BDAM-1206 API becomes unresponsive and requests receives timeout

Endpoint 'Folders_FilesAsync' Would sometimes result in a timeout when getting large amount of files that needed to be recached at runtime

Bug fixes

BECS-1534 Mismatch between context overview parameter weights


BECS-1596 Did-you-mean V2

BECS-1492 Enable search for Content and Unified Search

BECS-1570 Improved page navigation layout

BECS-1571 UX changes to the menu design in context preview to more easily access the menus

BECS-1601 Product Affinity Preview As implementation

BECS-1613 Adding compound word did-you-mean results

BECS-1496 Did-you-mean improvements



BPIM-3479 Hovering over product category names shows a system name instead of a user-friendly name in product filters

BPIM-3410 When searching using the product search bar on the product catalog, the sorting will be updated based on search relevance.


BPIM-3153 As a PIM user working with segmented attributes, I want the attribute editor to preselect my preferred segment, so I don't have to select it everytime I set a new value

BPIM-3453 ImportProductsFromCsv transaction aborted & long running jobs

Upgrade instructions





Existing solutions will need to configure the CMS to periodically fetch segmentation information from the existing Reverse API endpoints.

To do this, add the FEATURE_FLAGS_CMS__ENABLE_REVERSE_API environment variable with a value of true in the machine (or IIS) running the CMS website.

This way the CMS will fetch segmentations and segmentation permissions for all users once a minute. Existing solutions may use this feature to avoid making any changes in the application code.

It's also important to note that the admin role needs ViewSystemConfiguration permissions in the Users application. This is so the synchronization job is able to know which machine clients exist and grant them the appropriate permissions in the CMS.

For the new customers or customers that are going to update their systems to use new implementation: - Add segmentations by using '//segmentations' post endpoint - Add segmentation permissions for the user by using the user email as the user name by using '//segmentations' post endpoint