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Getting started

Follow this guide to run either all or specific Bizzkit applications in Docker on your local machine.

Download Docker Compose and environment files

All source files mentioned in this section can be downloaded via the button below:


We recommend unpacking to a new empty folder. Relative paths mentioned in the tutorial should be assumed to have the zip directory root as the current working directory. Please ensure you download and use the latest file before proceeding.


Required software

To run the Docker Compose setup, you must have Docker installed on your machine.


We recommend using a machine with a minimum of 16 GB free RAM

For Windows, we recommend the following:

  • Docker Desktop
  • WSL2 - Installed in Windows
  • Docker Desktop setup to use WSL2 containers
  • Administrative rights on the machine
  • PowerShell or another terminal

Docker configuration

By default, Docker has assigned too little virtual memory for running Elasticsearch - causing the server to restart over and over until giving up.

It is recommended to set vm.max_map_count to at least 262144. The memory can be increased in the following way:

You can globally change every WSL distribution with the .wslconfig by saving the following to %UserProfile%\.wslconfig:

kernelCommandLine = "sysctl.vm.max_map_count=262144"

You can also choose to add memory=16GB to restrict docker RAM usage.

The vm.max_map_count setting must be set within the xhyve virtual machine:

  1. From the command line, run:
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/tty
  1. Press enter and use sysctl to configure vm.max_map_count:
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
  1. To exit the screen session, type Ctrl a d.

Set vm.max_map_count=262144 setting in /etc/sysctl.conf.

For more information or alternative ways to configure it, click here.

Accessing the Bizzkit container registry

The container images used by the Bizzkit docker setup are available in the Bizzkit container registry The credentials issued to you when you were enrolled as a Bizzkit solution partner can be used in the following command to authenticate and be able to pull the container images from the registry.

docker login --username "<username>" --password "<password>"


If you experience that your credentials do not work, simply reach out to your point of contact at Bizzkit to obtain a renewed set of credentials.

Development certificates

Containers are bound to a range of ports on localhost and because of that, only a localhost certificate is required to be installed for the current setup to work.

To generate the certificate:

  • Navigate to the root directory where you extracted the zip file.
  • If you find a folder named /certificates, delete it before continuing.
  • Run the following command (exchange <bizzkit_product_version> with the version tag found in the .env-file - like 24.6.0):
    docker run -it --rm -v ./certificates:/certs<bizzkit_product_version>

After running the cert-generator the certificate must be trusted.

  1. Double click localhost-certificates-install.pfx
  2. Use Local Machine for store location
  3. Use default-password for password
  4. Select Place all certificates in the following store
  5. Click Browse and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities
  6. Finish
  1. Open the Keychain Access app
  2. Click File > Import Items
  3. In the new window find localhost.pfx and open it
  4. Use default-password for password
  5. Click ok to complete the process

Search in your distribution for the correct way to import the certificate

Running Bizzkit

If everything else has been set up correctly, to run the Bizzkit Platform simply execute the following command from the root:

docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yaml -f ./ --env-file ./.env -p bizzkit --profile all up -d


If you did not create the certificates as specified above, before running the docker-compose command, you will experience errors.

Some containers may fail to start, while some may actually start but shut down immediately.

At this point, you may be unable to generate certificate files as specified above. In this case, try to delete the certificate subfolder before generating the certificates. Alternatively, delete the entire docker folder and start with a new unzipped folder.

To verify the suite is working, you can now access the Start Page at https://localhost:8000 from here you can get links to all products.


To access the product suite you should use the following credentials:


Password: Password123!

The compose files use profiles to control which services should be started, here is a list of available profiles:

Profile Description
all will activate all services and applications
users full Auth and IAM applications
pim-services will activate 3rd party services for developing on PIM, Website, API, JobRunner and Notification hub are expected to be running locally
pim full PIM application
pim-frontend will activate PIM services + API, JobRunner and Notification HUB
dam-services services only e.g. MSSQL, Elastic, Azurite, Redis
dam full DAM application
cms-services services only e.g. MSSQL, Elastic
cms full CMS application
search-services services only e.g. MSSQL, Elastic, Redis
search full Ecommerce search application
content hosts the plugins related to the CMS powered by Builder
mail full Mail cloud application
mail-services will activate services for Mail cloud
mail-frontend services + frontend host for Mail cloud
mail-backend services + backend host for Mail cloud


Notice you can choose multiple profiles at once to spin up the wanted Bizzkit products e.g.

docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yaml -f ./ --env-file ./.env -p bizzkit --profile dam,cms up -d

Which will start CMS and DAM

Further reading

Check our 'How to' section for additional guides, such as how to configure the Bizzkit products or how to update them.

If you are using Bizzkit in Docker for localhost development, please make sure to read Setup local development with .NET. If you aren't involved in development, you can ignore this part.