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Introduction to BAIA

The Bizzkit AI Assistant (BAIA) is an advanced feature within the Bizzkit platform, designed to enhance user experience through automation and intelligent interaction. As an integral component of the platform, BAIA extends beyond traditional AI capabilities by acting not only as a repository of information but also as a proactive assistant capable of planning and executing tasks on behalf of users. This approach facilitates a more dynamic interaction between the platform and its users, allowing for a streamlined workflow and improved task management.

Incorporating AI into traditionally non-AI systems, BAIA significantly boosts operational efficiency by automating routine processes and minimizing manual interventions. This automation results in fewer necessary clicks, streamlined data processing, and enhanced quality of outcomes. BAIA also ensures consistency in task execution by adhering to documented standards, thereby maintaining high-quality results across the platform. Overall, BAIA represents a key advancement in the Bizzkit ecosystem, offering users a powerful tool for enhancing productivity and achieving a higher standard of work through intelligent automation.

BAIA serves several purposes:

  • BAIA is based upon the latest AI models so users can interact with BAIA using natural language.

  • BAIA possesses comprehensive and updated knowledge of Bizzkit Documentation and can, therefore, provide users with answers to questions about all products and features.

  • BAIA can access the Bizzkit APIs enabling users to communicate with BAIA in natural language to both query and modify data across different products. Leveraging its language model foundation, BAIA can also enrich queries with additional data.

  • All data interactions and conversations are confined within the Bizzkit cloud, maintaining strict data privacy and security. BAIA is designed to interact with Bizzkit products without compromising on safety. It seeks user approval for any potentially harmful actions and is limited to performing only those actions the user has permissions for.

  • BAIA includes a collection of predefined recipes designed to expedite the most commonly used processes. Additionally, users have the option to save their own recipes, ensuring they never need to repeat instructions to the assistant.

  • Bizzkit products are enhanced with semantic functions, offering a specialized mode of interaction with BAIA tailored to specific tasks.

  • Users have the capability to view, resume, or delete their past interactions with BAIA. This functionality promotes accountability and ensures continuity in task execution.


Recipes in the Bizzkit AI Assistant (BAIA) are essentially guided workflows designed to execute complex actions efficiently within the Bizzkit products.


A recipe can be thought of as a pre-packaged set of instructions that automates a certain task. This approach ensures that the task is performed consistently and saves time by simplifying the execution process.


When a recipe is available, it encapsulates all the required functions and parameters into a single, easy-to-use command. This means that users can initiate complex series of actions seamlessly without the need to manage each function separately.


Consistency: Every time a recipe is executed, it follows the exact same steps, ensuring a uniform outcome.

Efficiency: Recipes can streamline processes that would otherwise involve multiple steps, reducing the time and effort needed.

Simplicity: Users don’t need to understand all the underlying functions to perform tasks, making it more user-friendly.


The functionality and benefits of BAIA are more effectively conveyed through practical use cases, illustrative images, and demonstrative videos:

Here is an example of using a recipe (predefined prompt) for validating synonyms in Ecommerce Search:

Validating synonyms in Search

Creating a global list in PIM

Here is an example of using a recipe (predefined prompt) for creating a PIM global list and items:

Creating a Global List in PIM

Creating attributes in DAM

Here is an example of creating an attribute in DAM:

Creating attributes i DAM