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Showcasing Bizzkit

This page contains short videos highlighting some of the features in applications within the Bizzkit platform. For more information, please refer to the documentation.


AI generated descriptions

Demonstration of the PIM AI Assistant to help create product descriptions.

AI generated descriptions

Dashboard (19 sec)

Demonstration of various widgets and the ease of transitioning from the dashboard to PLP.


Mass Edit

Demonstrating the ability to transition from the PLP to mass editing.

Mass edit

Basic filter

Showing the basic filter

Basic filter

Advanced filter

Showing the advanced filter.

Advanced filter

UI overview

Providing a brief overview of the SEARCH UI, which includes a menu with various items such as diagnostics, suggestions, products (text analysis), and sorting.

UI overview


Displaying the dashboard, which features information on the following:

  • Most popular searches in the last 30 days with no matching products
    • Quick access to dictionaries and diagnostics
  • Most popular searches in the last 7 days and the number of searches performed
  • Most popular searches in the last 7 days and the number of products that match the search phrase

Dashboard full flow

Displaying a full flow from dashboard to diagnostics to dictionary:

  • On the dashboard, the user may see a search that returns no products due to a potential missing synonym
  • After navigating to the diagnostics section to search for the word, the user concludes that no products are returned
  • The user creates an entry in the Synonym-dictionary
  • The user performs the search again and observes that products are now being returned
  • The user publishes the change to the synonym dictionary
Dashboard full flow


Demonstrates how adding weights to parameters can result in a new sorting order.



Demonstrates how to pin skus in a context.



UI overview

Quickly showcasing the explorer, attributes, tags, transformations, and more.

UI overview


Showing how to save a cropping in DAM.

Cropping images in DAM

Content developer network

Showing how easy it is to generate a URL of an image based on a CDN URL, image id and a transformation function.




Showing the different Bizzkit components.

Bizzkit components in the editor

Editor demo

An example of an editor flow.

Working with the editor


Example of using the dynamic product slider component.

Dynamic Product slider component


Example of scheduling content.

Scheduling content

A/B (split) testing

Example of AB testing content.

AB testing


Using a recipe (predefined prompt) for validating synonyms in Search.

Validating synonyms in Search

Creating a global list in PIM

Using a recipe (predefined prompt) for creating a PIM global list and items..

Creating a Global List in PIM

Creating attributes in DAM

Example of communicating with BAIA without a recipe.

Creating attributes i DAM

Listing users in roles

Using the "List users in roles" system recipe:

List users in roles