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Bizzkit Commerce Cloud (BCC)

The Bizzkit Commerce Cloud (BCC) is a SaaS platform built on Microsoft Azure designed to host and manage essential Bizzkit applications. Specifically, it supports:

By hosting these applications in BCC, users can integrate and manage them within a secure and unified environment. This centralized setup simplifies the technical processes for businesses, enabling them to concentrate on their primary e-commerce operations. Each application can operate independently or collaboratively, based on the specific needs of the business.

BCC stands as the backbone of the e-commerce solution. It's designed to be scalable, meaning it can adapt and grow with the demands of a business. Scalability is vital for e-commerce operations, ensuring that as a business expands, the platform can handle increased traffic, more products, and larger volumes of transactions without compromising on performance. This inherent flexibility reduces the risk of downtime and ensures a continuous and efficient operation for e-commerce solutions.

Starting in BCC

Initiating a new customer setup within BCC necessitates a thorough analysis of both the customer's requirements and the prerequisites for ensuring continuous and effective e-commerce operations. It's important to determine the necessary components tailored to the customer's needs. Some customers may require the entire suite of Bizzkit applications, while others might only need specific applications like PIM and user management. This meticulous approach ensures that every new environment within BCC is precisely calibrated to meet the specific demands and expectations of each customer.

Operating in BCC

Once up and running within BCC, users can be assured of the platform's rigor and resilience. Each application is subjected to meticulous checks and continuous monitoring to ensure optimal performance and system integrity. This proactive approach safeguards against potential issues, offering a seamless operational experience.

Adaptability is at the core of BCC's design. The system is equipped with the capability to automatically scale applications based on demand. For instance, during high-traffic events like Black Friday, BCC intuitively scales resources to accommodate the heightened activity, ensuring uninterrupted service and efficient transaction handling.

Complementing these robust features, Bizzkit further bolsters confidence with its dedicated BAT team (Bizzkit Alert Team). Operating round the clock, this team is at the ready to address any system alarms or direct queries from customers, providing swift resolutions and continuous support.

BCC from a technical perspective

Bizzkit Commerce Cloud is hosted in Microsoft Azure, a robust digital infrastructure renowned for its global coverage and reliability. Azure provides the foundation, ensuring that users experience consistent performance and response times.

Within this environment, BCC utilizes Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) for orchestrating operations, especially during periods of elevated user engagement. This orchestration ensures optimal resource allocation and uninterrupted service. Central to BCC's data management are databases such as MS SQL and PostgreSQL, which maintain the integrity and accessibility of essential data. Performance enhancement tools, specifically Redis Cache and Elasticsearch, are integrated to expedite data retrieval processes and improve search efficiency.

Emphasizing security, BCC implements meticulous data segregation protocols, effectively isolating each dataset to prevent unauthorized access. Azure Functions are employed to facilitate resource-intensive tasks, ensuring computational efficiency.

With the use of the latest development tools like .NET LTS, BCC continues to stay ahead in the tech world. The platform's automatic features, combined with top-notch security, make BCC a safe and advanced online shopping solution.