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BUM integration

flowchart TB
    subgraph BUM[Bizzkit User Management]
    subgraph C[Customer Solution]
    W[Website] --> U[Auth]
    J[JobServer] --> U
    A[Administration] --> U
    A --> I[IAM]


The BUM is only used to manage backoffice users that log into the Administration site and for authentication of Bizzkit API clients.

The Bizzit User Management integration is implemented in the project Blueprint.Integration.Bizzkit.IAM. We use the Bizzkit.Sdk.Iam Nuget package to call the IAM API. In addition, the clients for IAM, Mail, DAM, CMS and PIM also call Auth from the Bizzkit SDKs to authenticate the customer solution.

The configuration for the customer solution's IAM integration is in the appsettings-json files in the project. The configuration files for the IAM and Auth products themselves are linked in the Config-solutionfolder for easy access.


We use the following API endpoints in IAM via IIamClient:

Endpoint Used for
ListRolesAsync() Listing all roles in the Administration site
GetRoleByNameAsync() Getting role name and description

Roles and Permissions

The BUM handles users and roles and the mapping between them.

Permissions and the mapping from roles to permissions are handled by the customer solution.

You can edit what permissions each role has in the Administration site under System > Roles.