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DAM integration

flowchart TB
    subgraph DAM
    subgraph U[Customer Solution]
    W[Website] --> D[DAM API]
    J[JobServer] --> D
    A[Administration] --> D

The Bizzkit DAM integration is implemented in the project Blueprint.Integration.DAM. We use the Bizzkit.Sdk.Dam Nuget package to call the API.

The configuration for the customer solution's DAM integration is in the appsettings-json files in the project. The placeholder-configuration file for the DAM product itself is linked in the Config-solutionfolder for easy access.


We use the following API endpoints via IDamClient:

Endpoint Used for
File_ImportFromUriAsync() Loading new files directly into the DAM
File_CachedDetailsAsync() Getting the cached URL for the file in a specific format
File_AttributesWithValuesCategorizedAsync() Getting the alt text for an image
File_GetAsync() Getting the file name
PredefinedSetting_ListAsync() Used for indexing product images
Folder_RootAsync() Used for working with folders in the DAM
Folder_DeleteAsync() Used for working with folders in the DAM
Folder_ChildrenAsync() Used for working with folders in the DAM
Folder_CreateAsync() Used for working with folders in the DAM
Folder_FilesAsync() Used for working with folders in the DAM