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Course material

This is the material for the Developing with DAM course. Please make sure you have attended the Using DAM course and/or read the DAM concept article and DAM developer overview article.


The NuGet package (Bizzkit.Sdk.Dam) is an automated swagger client that includes a factory client for easy authentication. See Swagger UI for reference.


The API consists of methods related to

  • Attributes
  • Files
  • Folders
  • Predefined settings
  • Task runner (background jobs)
  • Webhooks

and is more or less self-explanatory.

Reacting to changes

DAM has a basic event system to call an endpoint when a file is created, deleted, changed, etc. To enable events, you need to create a subscription to a specific event through the webhooks endpoint. See mere information here.


Based on the Getting-started console application here is a few examples in a helper class you can add to a project as DamHelper.cs.

using Bizzkit.Sdk.Dam;

// WARNING: This is DEMO code and is not intended for production use. 
// Please review and modify before using in any production environment.
namespace Bizzkit.Academy
    public static class DamHelper
        public static async Task<Guid> CreateFolder(Guid root, string name, string culture, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            var folder = await client.Folders_CreateAsync(culture, new CreateFolderModel { Name = name, ParentId = root });
            return folder;

        public static async Task<CreatedSubscription> CreateWebHook(EventType eventType, string target, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            return await client.WebHooks_SubscribeAsync(eventType, new WebHookSubscriptionArguments
                Target = target

        public static async Task DeleteFolder(string name, string culture, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            var response = await FolderExistsGetId(name, culture, config);
            if (!response.exists)
                throw new Exception(name + " does not exitst");
            await client.Folders_DeleteAsync(response.guid!.Value, culture);

        public static async Task<PagedResultOfFiles> FilesInFolder(Guid folder, string culture, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            var files = await client.Folders_FilesAsync(folder, 1, int.MaxValue, SortOptions.AlphabeticalAscending, culture);
            return files;

        public static async Task<bool> FolderExists(string name, string culture, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            var folder = await client.Folders_ListByNameAsync(name, null, culture);
            return folder.Count() > 0;

        public static async Task<(bool exists, Guid? guid)> FolderExistsGetId(string name, string culture, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            var folder = await client.Folders_ListByNameAsync(name, null, culture);
            if (folder.Count() > 0)
                return (true, folder.First().Id);
                return (false, null);

        public static async Task<PagedResultOfFolders> FoldersUnderRoot(Guid root, string culture, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            var folders = await client.Folders_ChildrenAsync(root, 1, int.MaxValue, culture);
            return folders;


        public static async Task<IEnumerable<CachedFileDetailsResult>> GetFile100(Guid file, string culture, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            var request = new List<CachedFileInfoParameter>(){
                new CachedFileInfoParameter (){
                    FileId = file,
                    Height = 100,
                    ImageType = CachedFileInfoParameterImageType.Png,
                    Transformation = CachedFileInfoParameterTransformation.Resize
            var response = await client.Files_CachedDetailsAsync(culture, request);
            return response;

        public static async Task<IEnumerable<CachedFileDetailsResult>> GetFilePredfinedSetting(Guid file, string culture, string predefinedSettingName, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            var preDefinedSetting = await client.PredefinedSettings_SingleByNameAsync(predefinedSettingName);
            var request = new List<CachedFileInfoParameter>(){
                new CachedFileInfoParameter (){
                    FileId = file,
                    PredefinedSettingId = preDefinedSetting.Id,
                    Transformation = CachedFileInfoParameterTransformation.PredefinedSetting
            var response = await client.Files_CachedDetailsAsync(culture, request);
            return response;

        public static async Task<IEnumerable<CachedFileDetailsResult>> GetFirstFileWithCropping(string culture, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            var allImages = await client.Files_KnownOriginalAndPredefinedSettingCachedEntriesAsync(1, int.MaxValue, culture);
            var file = allImages.PageItems.ToList().FirstOrDefault(f => f.CroppingId != null);
            var request = new List<CachedFileInfoParameter>(){
                new CachedFileInfoParameter (){
                    FileId = file!.FileId,
                    CroppingId = file.CroppingId
            var response = await client.Files_CachedDetailsAsync(culture, request);
            return response;

        public static async Task<Guid> GetRootFolder(string culture, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            var root = await client.Folders_RootAsync(culture);
            return root;
        public static async Task<ImportFileResult> UploadFile(Guid folder, string filePath, string culture, DomainConfig config)
            var client = await BizzkitHelper.GetDamClientFactory(config);
            ImportFileFromByteDataParameters request = new ImportFileFromByteDataParameters();
            request.FileData = await System.IO.File.ReadAllBytesAsync(filePath);
            request.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath);
            request.Description = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath);
            request.ParentFolderId = folder;
            var newFile = await client.Files_ImportFromByteDataAsync(culture, request);
            return newFile;