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Files and file types

DAM can store all file types, and images are also just files in regard to storing. However since DAM is designed to be an image provider it has lots of functionality built in to process and handle images. This includes thumbnails, resizing, merging, cropping etc.

DAM supports the following types as images:

  • Avif
  • Gif
  • Jpeg
  • Png
  • Svg
  • Tiff
  • WebP

and can execute transformation functions on them.

Recommendations for choosing the best image formats to store in DAM

In the role of image provider, DAM transforms images in regard to size, format etc. to fit in a specific part of the webshop (for example product list, product page, etc.). These transformations require both memory and CPU time on the server that runs it, so naturally the less work that needs to be done, the quicker the images can be served and more images can be transformed within a time unit.

The logical consequences of this as a rule of thumb are:

Don't store images that are larger (height x width) than necessary for the purpose.

Don't store images in formats that are more complex (ai, psd vs. jpeg, png etc.) than necessary for the purpose.

DAM is intended to store files in original formats based on which the transformed versions are automatically created as requested by the webshop.

These original files might be large images in high resolution, and that's fine, however the point is you should still be mindful about the format and size of the original files that are uploaded in DAM. For example in case the original file is a psd file and it's transformed to a JPEG for the webshop, that's fine, however if the original file is already a JPEG in size 10000 x 5000 and it's transformed to another JPEG in size 100 x 50 it's seems that the original image is unnecessarily large and you should consider storing the image in a smaller size.