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Bizzkit 21.52.0

Version 21.52.0
Release Date 28 Feb 2023
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Requirement Minimum supported version Tested version(s) Requirement of
SQL Server SQL Server 2016 SQL Server 2017 All
Elastic 7.17.8 7.17.8, 7.17.9 DAM, Ecommerce Search, PIM
Redis 6 6 Ecommerce Search
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SQL Server 2017 is the earliest version that is available as a docker image and so even though Bizzkit officially supports 2016, testing is done on 2017.

Elasticsearch is known to introduce breaking changes in minor releases and we therefore explicitly test the Bizzkit products with the two most recent releases. Other 7.17.x versions may work but are not tested explicitly.



Bug fixes

BIMV2-761 Error text in login dialog is unreadable due to styling

New features

BIMV2-718 Support license key


BIMV2-755 Customizable login screen should allow more room for company logo


BIMV2-750 The IAM SDK api need to be documented on


Bug fixes

BCMS-819 End users cannot navigate the menu tree of CMS articles, due to the SQL user not having EXECUTE permissions on the database

This issue does not affect onprem deployments.


BCMS-801 As operations, we wish to avoid cold starts with the CMS Docker image, since the IIS keeps stopping the application

This issue does not affect onprem deployments.


Bug fixes

BDAM-1066 Files are not imported if the imaging library throws an OutOfMemoryException

This issue does not affect onprem deployments.

BDAM-1086 Files can be renamed through the UI causing physical file names to be invalid on Windows file systems

New features

BDAM-1087 Add, search, and remove tags via api:

New endpoints:

  • POST: {culture}/bulk-operation/file/add-tags
  • POST: {culture}/bulk-operation/file/tags/_search
  • DELETE: {culture}/bulk-operation/file/remove-attributes-or-tag


BDAM-1051 Settings page is slow to respond on Linux

Bug fixes

BECS-671 Missing translation

BECS-994 Sku search endpoint returns empty nextPageToken instead of null

BECS-1058 Sorting by rank is not possible

BECS-1075 Context category nesting no longer uses inheritance

BECS-1078 Switching segments while previewing a context

BECS-1080 Improve missing ECS selectors to enhance accessibility


BECS-485 UXD: Redesign of drawer

BECS-1048 UXD: Displaying a context on diagnostics

BECS-1059 As a user of the public Bizzkit Docker images, I want improvements to the setup guide, so it's easier to get started.

BECS-1118 Increase stability when a user deletes a segment in the UI

BECS-816 Migrate to Vite and upgrade Cypress

BECS-986 As an admin I want to pin products to the top of search results

BECS-1052 Add verification on configuration on startup for Ecommerce Search projects


New features

BPIM-2960 As a PIM user, I would like the option to add a description to a dashboard widgets, so I can use it for explaining what the widget means or what the next step is for a user working with the widget

BPIM-2998 As a PIM API user, I want to be able to unpublish one or more products using the unique name as identifier, so I'm able to unpublish products from an external system

BPIM-3008 As a PIM API user, I want to be able to delete one or more products using the unique name as identifier, so I'm able to delete products from an external system

BPIM-3078 As a PIM user, I want to mass edit multi valued attributes using the PIntX types

BPIM-3080 As a PIM user, I want to mass edit multi valued attributes using the PTranslatedString type

BPIM-3081 As a PIM user, I want to mass edit multi valued attributes using the PString type

BPIM-3093 As a PIM user, I want to mass edit multi valued attributes using the PTranslatedStringD type

BPIM-3117 As a PIM user, I want to see an inherited value on an attribute field, so I know which value is being used

BPIM-3118 As a PIM user, I want to see an externally owned value on an attribute field, so I know which value is being used


BPIM-3134 As a product owner, I need to block the possibility of creating new Tenants in the system

Upgrade instructions


Bizzkit has switched to using "Duende Identity Server" as the previous Identity Server implementation is no longer supported.

The Duende license SHOULD be set in production environments. However, in environments excluding the license key this will just produce a log error. As we have purchased an unlimited redistributions+clients license this is in no way in conflict with license terms.

You can set the Duende license key in the Auth installationOptions.json file (if you're using the consolidate pattern) or appSettings.json (if not):

"OidcProvider": {
   "LicenseKey": "***key***"

The license key can be found in Password state under "DuendeSoftware License Key".


Execute the beginmigratedb and endmigratedb commands in the PIM console in order to migrate the database (to 21.34.1).