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Bizzkit Content Hub

The Bizzkit Content Hub is a dedicated plugin that brings a powerful content overview and management panel to the main interface. This tool is specifically designed to address the challenges faced by customers managing multiple spaces arranged hierarchically—a common requirement in e-commerce scenarios, such as stores operating multiple brands, each with its own space.

Bizzkit content hub

By simplifying the process of managing content across these interconnected spaces, the Content Hub significantly reduces the time and effort needed to gain a comprehensive overview and handle page management efficiently.

Installation and setup

To activate the Bizzkit Content Hub in a space, it must be correctly configured with the appropriate information about roles, models, and sub-spaces. The plugin will only be active and visible within a space if it has been properly set up. Notably, the plugin is intentionally designed to be unavailable in sub-spaces by default. However, if required, it can also be configured and activated separately within sub-spaces to extend its functionality.

Refer to the developer documentation for detailed instructions on setting up the plugin. Once the setup is complete, click the 'Edit Plugin Settings' button to finalise the configuration.

Setting up the plugin

In the settings dialog, define the roles permitted to access the plugin and define the supported models you want the plugin to manage (e.g., a Page model). Additionally, configure the sub-spaces by providing a name along with the private and public keys, which can be found on the settings page for each space. We recommend that you create a separate private key for the content hub for better security.

Adding roles, models and sub-spaces


It's important to note that the model name is the one coming from the system/API and not the "label" users see in the UI. If the model was created through the UI, the actual name would be the camel-case version of the label. Changing the label later does not affect the internal name.

When the plugin is correctly configured, the Content Hub will be visible in the main interface, providing an intuitive and efficient way to manage content across multiple spaces.

The content hub is available within

You will also see a new folder when accessing the content tab called Bizzkit Content Hub, where content managed by the plugin is organized.

Organizing content


Do not delete the folder, as it is required by the plugin. If accidentally deleted, you need to configure the plugin again.

Using the content hub

Once the content hub is installed correctly, you will see it as a tab in the main interface showing all spaces and models provided in the settings.

Models managed by the content hub

If needed, you can restrict the spaces showing in the content hub by using the "Spaces" dropdown box and selecting the spaces you want to see.

Managing content

When adding content to a model you need to drag the content to the sub-folder under the "Bizzkit Content Hub" folder. This will ensure that the content is correctly managed by the plugin.

Content must be dragged to the appropriate folder

Then you can see the content in the content hub tab under the model.

Content ready to be shared

When the content is added to the content hub, it can easily be shared across spaces by dragging and dropping it to the desired space.

Dragging content to other spaces

When dragging content over an existing content, you will be prompted to replace the content.

Replacing content

Copying models

You can also copy models between spaces. The content hub will automatically find any missing models and add a "Copy model" button to the UI. Using this button will create the model in the subspace.

Copy models