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How to Use and Manage a Recipe

Using and executing a recipe

There are two ways to execute a recipe: from the chat by typing the recipe command or from the Recipes tab.

Executing a recipe.

Execute a recipe using the command

In the Chat tab, simply type /, and a list of recipes and commands will appear.

Commands overview

You can continue typing to narrow down the list or select the desired recipe from the list.

Execute a recipe from the recipe tab

Navigate to the Recipe tab

Find the recipe you want to execute and use the "Play" button on the right.

Execute a recipe

Managing a recipe

There are three options for managing recipes:

  1. Edit
  2. Copy
  3. Delete

These options can be found under the three-dots menu on the right side of each recipe.

Manage recipes


Recipes created by the system cannot be modified or deleted. If you would like to change such a recipe, create a copy and modify it.