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User Management 25.0

Version 25.0
Release Date 20 March 2025


API Changes

Users has been upgraded to version 25. There will be breaking changes when upgrading Bizzkit.Sdk.Iam from V24 to V25.

V24 endpoints will be supported until V26 is released.

V23 API Support have been removed.

New or updated endpoints (v25)

The following 24 previews have been promoted to stable.

Endpoint Comment
PUT /api/Mail/invitation Sends an invitation email to the specified user.
GET /api/Mail/policies List available mail policies.
GET /api/MailTemplate/{templateId} Retrieves the email templates in all translations.
DELETE /api/MailTemplate/{templateId} Deletes the template and all its translations.
PUT /api/MailTemplate/{templateId}/{languageCode} Adds a new language translation to an email template.
DELETE /api/MailTemplate/{templateId}/{languageCode} Deletes a specific language translation for the template.
GET /api/Settings/local-login
PUT /api/Settings/local-login
PUT /api/Settings/login-styles
GET /api/Settings/login-styles
GET /api/Settings/login-styles-logo
GET /api/Settings/login-styles-background-image
PUT /api/user/{userId}/metadata/{key} Create single metadata record.
DELETE /api/user/{userId}/metadata/{key} Permanently deletes user metadata for the provided key.
GET/api/user/{userId}/metadata Get all metadata for a given user.
PUT /api/user/{userId}/metadata Adds key metadata for a given user in bulk.
DELETE /api/user/{userId}/metadata Permanently deletes user metadata for provided keys.

The Following endpoint have been added. For migration purposes.

Endpoint Comment
PUT /api/Users/{id}/email-confirmed Manually set the users email as confirmed.

Removed endpoints in v25

Endpoint Comment
PUT /api/Users/{id}/password The endpoint was obsolete. The user should control their own password.
PUT /api/Roles/{roleName}/Users Relations should be created individually.
GET /api/Roles Search endpoint should be used.
GET /api/Users Search endpoint should be used.