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Ecommerce Search 25.0

Version 25.0
Release Date 03 March 2024


Upgrade instructions


Contexts have been removed, at will be replaced by experiences which is not released yet. Customer solutions that create contexts via the API should stay on the V24 Api for now.


The endpoints have been optimized to that there is only one endpoint for creating and patching products, CreateOrPatch. The endpoint is asynchronous so changes to products are first applied later.


The endpoints have been optimized to that there is only one endpoint for creating and patching skus, CreateOrPatch. The endpoint is asynchronous so changes to skus are first applied later.

Suggestion candidates

The suggestion candidate Id has replaced the externalId.

Split test

Split tests have been removed, but it has been replaced by targets that is more power full. Create a target, called “splittest”, and set the values to the names of the split tests.

Searching for skus in the SearchHost

The skus endpoint has been removed as the unified search endpoint has been optimized so it can handle returning a lot of skus(10.000).

New features




New or updated endpoints (v25)

Admin Api

Endpoint Comment
GET /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/skus/{id} Commercial Affinities now also have a affinity source
POST /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/skus/create-or-patch Commercial Affinities now also have a affinity source
POST /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/suggestion-candidates/search ExternalId renamed SuggestionCandidateId
POST /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/suggestion-candidates ExternalId renamed SuggestionCandidateId
GET /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/suggestion-candidates/{suggestionCandidateId} ExternalId renamed SuggestionCandidateId
DELETE /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/suggestion-candidates/{suggestionCandidateId} ExternalId renamed SuggestionCandidateId

Search Api

Endpoint Comment
POST /search SplitTestId removed, use targets instead


V23 and V24 Preview is now out of service and will be removed soon.

Admin Api

Endpoint Comment
POST /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/conditions/bulk Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/conditions Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
POST /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/conditions/available Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
POST /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/conditions/available-values Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/facets/available Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/facets Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
PUT /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/facets Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/parameters Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/parameters/available Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
POST /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/parameters/validate Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/pinned-products Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/relevance-boosts/available Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/relevance-boosts Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
POST /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId} Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
PUT /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId} Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
DELETE /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId} Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
POST /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/clone Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
POST /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/search Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/context-affinities Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
POST /api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/set-weights Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/index-languages Not needed anymore as languages is an enum now
GET /api/parameters Use the parameters/search preview endpoint
POST /api/segments/{segmentId}/preview/grid-view Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
POST /api/segments/{segmentId}/preview/table-view Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
GET /api/segments/{segmentId}/preview/preview-facets Replaced by experiences stay on V24 for now
PUT /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/products/bulk Use the new patch-or-update
PATCH /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/products Use the new patch-or-update
GET /api/Roles Use new preview endpoint
PUT /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/skus/bulk Use the new patch-or-update
PATCH /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/skus Use the new patch-or-update
POST /api/split-tests Use targets
GET /api/split-tests/{splitTestId} Use targets
PUT /api/split-tests/{splitTestId} Use targets
DELETE /api/split-tests/{splitTestId} Use targets
POST /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/suggestion-candidates/fetch Use the other suggestion candidate endpoints
POST /api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/suggestion-candidates/delete-bulk Use the other suggestion candidate endpoints

Courier Api

Endpoint Comment
GET /courier-api/{segmentId}/raptor No longer supported
PUT /courier-api/{segmentId}/raptor No longer supported
DELETE /courier-api/{segmentId}/raptor No longer supported

Search Api

Endpoint Comment
POST /skus Use the /search/ endpoint