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Ecommerce Search 24.0

Version 24.0
Release Date 26 February 2024


New features

New major version

Ecommerce Search has been upgraded to version 24. There will be breaking changes when upgrading Bizzkit.Sdk.Search and Bizzkit.Sdk.EcommerceSearch from V23 to V24.


  • Dashboard reports no longer show empty phrases.
  • User guides are now available in the UI.


  • V23 endpoints will be supported until V25 is released.
  • V23 preview endpoints will be removed in Ecommerce Search 24.3.0. Please switch to V24 or V24 preview endpoints.

Upgrade notes

  • The data structure for SKU attributes has been changed to allow the specification of a display name.
  • The same change is made for string attributes where the value both have an id and a display value.
Obsolete Ecommerce Search Admin API endpoints
Endpoint Operation Comment
/api/segments/{segmentId}/commercial-properties/search SearchCommercialPropertiesAsync No replacement
/api/context-boost-api-key SetContextBoostApiKeyAsync No replacement
/api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/publish PublishContextAsync No replacement, context publication is part of the standard publication
/api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/publish PublishContextAsync No replacement, context publication is part of the standard publication flow
/api/segments/{segmentId}/contexts/{contextId}/unpublish UnpublishContextAsync No replacement, context publication is part of the standard publication flow
/api/settings/personalization-information GetPersonalizationInformationAsync Replaced by GetGeneralSettingsAsync
/api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/metrics/delete-bulk DeleteMetricsAsync No replacement
/api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/metrics/search SearchMetricsAsync No replacement
/api/ingestion/segments/{segmentId}/metrics/bulk UpsertMetricsAsync No replacement
Obsolete Ecommerce Search API endpoints
Endpoint Method Comment
/api/search/segment/{segmentId}/contexts/boost BestFittingContextBoostAsync No replacement, refactor code to use unified search
/did-you-mean GetDidYouMeanAsync Use unified search
/products GetProductsAsync Use unified search
/suggestions GetSuggestionsAsync Use unified search
Obsolete Ecommerce Search Courier API endpoints
Endpoint Operation Comment
/courier-api/{segmentId}/google-analytics/commercial-parameters/{parameterId} DeleteGoogleAnalyticsCommercialParameterSettingsAsync GA is obsolete, use GA4 endpoints
/courier-api/{segmentId}/google-analytics/commercial-parameters/{parameterId} GetGoogleAnalyticsCommercialParameterSettingsAsync GA is obsolete, use GA4 endpoints
/courier-api/{segmentId}/google-analytics/commercial-parameters/{parameterId} UpsertGoogleAnalyticsCommercialParameterSettingsAsync GA is obsolete, use GA4 endpoints
/courier-api/{segmentId}/google-analytics DeleteGoogleAnalyticsSettingsAsync GA is obsolete, use GA4 endpoints
/courier-api/{segmentId}/google-analytics GetGoogleAnalyticsSettingsAsync GA is obsolete, use GA4 endpoints
/courier-api/{segmentId}/google-analytics UpsertGoogleAnalyticsSettingsAsync GA is obsolete, use GA4 endpoints