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DAM 25.0

Version 25.0
Release Date 17 March 2025

API Changes

DAM has been upgraded to version 25. There will be breaking changes when upgrading Bizzkit.Sdk.Dam from V24 to V25.

V24 endpoints will be supported until V26 is released.

V23 API Support have been removed.

New or updated endpoints (v25)

The API to store and modify text records in the root of the CDN has been promoted from preview to production API.

Endpoint Comment
POST /api/_/cdn-records Create a CDN record.
GET /api/_/cdn-records List CDN records.
GET /api/_/cdn-records/{fileName} Get a CDN record
DELETE /api/_/cdn-records/{fileName} Delete a CDN record

Removed endpoints in v25

Endpoint Comment
POST /api/{culture}/files/import-from-uri Use import from Url
POST /api/_/task-runner/enqueue-import-files-from-archive
POST /api/_/task-runner/enqueue-rebuild-index
POST /api/_/task-runner/enqueue-purge-expired-published-files
POST /api/_/task-runner/enqueue-purge-old-log-items
GET /api/_/task-runner/state
GET /api/_/test/echo

Other changes

Predefined settings have been fully removed. Including old caches.