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To begin using transformation functions, here are some examples. For more detailed information, please refer to this document. Additionally, the Swagger documentation is a valuable resource for information about endpoints, request, and response models.

Using the built-in transformations

To obtain the original images, use the _original transformation. Additionally, there are several built-in transformation functions available, including the _small-preview transformation, which returns a 350x350 pixel WebP image while preserving the aspect ratio. For more details, see here and use the /api/_/transformation-functions/{id} endpoint for a complete list of all transformations in your environment.

Using these functions is as simple as finding the URL of the CDN host and constructing a final URL.

Given a CDN host of and an image ID of e15b1f59-94b2-4331-884d-c1b39628f510 (find the ID using the UI or API), the final URL could be:

  • Original image:
  • Transformed using the _small-preview transformation:

Creating a transformation

To create a transformation, use the /api/_/transformation-functions POST endpoint and provide a CreateTransformationFunctionModel. This model is used to define a new transformation function, specifying the transformations to be applied to images and the output format.

Here is a simple example using a resize transformation:

  "transformationFunctionId": "myresize-transformation",
  "description": "Resize example",
  "outputFormat": "WebP",  
  "transformations": [
      "type": "Resize",
      "width": 150

Here is an example using a canvas transformation:

  "transformationFunctionId": "mycanvas-transformation",
  "description": "Canvas example",
  "outputFormat": "WebP",  
  "transformations": [
      "type": "Canvas",
      "width": 150,
      "AllowEnlarge": false,
      "AllowWhitespaceExpansion": false      

A more complex example would be to merge an image (called a resource image) and change its size:

  "transformationFunctionId": "mymerge-transformation",
  "description": "Canvas example",
  "outputFormat": "WebP",  
  "transformations": [
      "type": "Canvas",
      "width": 800,
      "AllowEnlarge": false,
      "AllowWhitespaceExpansion": false      
      "type": "Merge",
      "resourceImageId": "ee02b9fa-ccde-43cd-90b1-a11483705d80",
      "onTop": true,
      "horizontalPosition": "Right",
      "verticalPosition": "Bottom"


You can find the resourceImageId in the DAM UI under Settings -> Resource Images.

Please refer to the Swagger documentation for information on the different properties of the CreateTransformationFunctionModel and TransformationStepModel.