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Versioning strategy

At Bizzkit, we prioritize stability and transparency in our versioning strategy to ensure that our solution partners can confidently plan and integrate with our systems. Our approach is built around continuous updates, annual major releases, and a consistent, clear communication of changes.

Continuous updates and major releases

New features and bug fixes are introduced into the current major version as soon as they are ready, ensuring that users receive improvements and enhancements promptly. In addition, we release a new major version every year during the first quarter (Q1). This major release typically includes significant new functionality, and occasionally, breaking changes. The goal is to maintain a balance between rapid iteration and long-term reliability.

Support and compatibility

Each new major version supports the previous one, allowing partners to maintain their integrations with minimal disruption. For example, version 26 will continue to support version 25, while earlier versions like 24 may experience breaking changes as we phase out older features. This strategy guarantees at least one year of support for deprecated functionality, providing a clear window for necessary updates and adjustments.


Timeline for Bizzkit versioning

Preview API for upcoming features

To help partners stay ahead of upcoming changes, we offer a Preview API. This API provides access to features that are planned for both the current and upcoming major versions. The Preview API allows for testing new functionality before it is officially released, enabling partners to provide feedback and prepare their integrations in advance.

However, since these features are still under development, the Preview API should not be used in production environments and is intended solely for testing purposes. Additionally, the Preview API does not come with guarantees regarding its support lifetime and may contain breaking changes in minor or patch releases.

Deprecation policy

In order to evolve our platform, certain API endpoints may be deprecated and eventually removed in future major releases. For example, endpoints marked as deprecated in version 24 will be removed in version 26, when version 24 is no longer supported. This ensures that partners are informed well in advance of any significant changes that may affect their integrations.

Consistent versioning across products

To avoid confusion and ensure seamless integration, all Bizzkit products use the same major version number. This unified approach across our applications and APIs means that the versioning system is consistent, making it easier for partners to track and understand version differences.