No product results
The “No product results” widget provides a quick overview of full-search phrases that returned no results over the last 30 days. The widget displays a score from Needs focus to Excellent based on how many search phrases had zero results.
No product results (%) | Performance |
30 - 100 | Needs focus |
10 - 30 | Fair |
5 - 10 | Good |
0 - 5 | Excellent |
Sites with frequent searches for unavailable products may find it challenging to achieve a top score.
To see which phrases led to no results, click View List. The list shows each phrase along with the number of full-searches. Users can then evaluate which products may need to be added to their inventory or which search settings might need adjustment.
Snoozed phrase
Let’s say a site has 258 “No product results” full-searches for phrases like “Dresser” or “Recliner”. If those products are not part of the catalog, it’s worth considering adding them. Alternatively, the Snoozed options allows you to hide phrases that are irrelevant or unimportant, helping to keep the focus on critical search data.
Recommended next step
Learn about the Findability dashboard widget.
Popular searches
Learn about the Popular searches dashboard widget.