Full search
The “Full search” widget shows how many times a full search has been performed in the last 30 days. A full search happens when a user types a word or phrase into the search field, presses "Enter," and is presented with a list of products matching that search. If the user applies filters, such as selecting a color or size, this is also recorded as part of the full search.
This widget can be used to monitor search behaviour trends on your site. If you notice a drop in full searches, it might signal that users are having issues with the search filters, or they might be relying more on Browse Search instead. By keeping an eye on this data, you can troubleshoot potential issues in your search setup and ensure the experience is smooth for users, helping maintain strong engagement with your product listings.
Recommended next step
Quick search
Learn more about the Quick search dashboard widget.
Browse search
Learn more about the Browse search dashboard widget.