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Related tag groupings


Related tag groupings is only relevant to your web shop if you use related tags as part of you search suggestions.

Related tags can appear as part of the search suggestions if the webshop (frontend) supports this feature.

Related tags

Related tag groupings are a way to group strongly related tags into one. For example when a tag consists of more than one word, like 'New York' or 'Harry Potter'. Learn more

Related tag groupings expands a search phrase by adding one group of terms to provide additional relevant suggestions. This process enhances the user experience by helping them explore and refine their searches effectively, even when their initial search phrases may not exactly match existing suggestions. Learn more

A user is searching for "dress" in a webshop where the suggestion generator is set up to show ‘category’ and ‘brand’, they might see search suggestions for:

  • ‘Dress Tommy Hilfiger‘
  • ‘Dress Marc O'Plo‘

and related tags for:

  • ‘Tommy‘
  • ‘Marc‘

Related tag groupings example

In this case the brand names consists of two words:

  • ‘Tommy’ and ‘Hilfiger’
  • ‘Marc’ and ‘O’Polo’

Related tag groupings example 2

Now, when the user searches for dress the search will look like this:

Related tag groupings example 3


Related tag groupings is only relevant to your web shop if you use related tags as part of you search suggestions.

Click the ‘add’ button to save the group

  1. How to create related tags
  2. Click the ‘+ related tag grouping’ button
  3. In the input field type the words you want to group

Click the ‘add’ button to save the group