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Searchable images

Setting up

This feature requires BAIA

If BAIA is not already enabled in your environment please reach out to your sales representative.

The features is normally enabled by the solution partner. The feature is enabled using the Courier API by posting the segment Id to the image search endpoint.

Data extracted by BAIA

When enabled BAIA will look at the first picture (as indexed in ECS) of each product and extract the following information:

  • Categories - what categories to place the product in.
  • Colors - the color of the product
  • Materials - what materials the product are made of, BAIA will tend to leave this out if unsure.
  • Themes - what search themes might be a good to match this product with.

These data will appear in Search UI. As "baia-" fields, and can be used as any other field in search.

Quality of results

BAIA is really good at identifying features based on pictures but does make mistakes. And the quality of the results vary widely across product lines.

The main difference between enabling this feature and using images in PIM is that the output here is unrestricted and there is no direct way for the user to influence the prompt. The results will therefore never be a precise as in the PIM.

Bizzkit recommends

The current recommendation is to use the baia-* fields as searchable fields but not display their values to end customers directly. It is recommended that the fields are given lower priority than validated data.

Indexing speed

When initially enabled BAIA will slowly process image on existing product in order to not put strain on the system. For large product catalogues it can take a few days before all products are processed.