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AI text generation with BAIA

Bizzkit PIM offers the functionality to generate texts for PIM attributes based on AI technology. Bizzkit AI Assistant (BAIA) is seamlessly integrated in the PIM UI to provide a smooth user experience when using the text generation functionality.

Here is a video showing an example of text generation for a product description:

Example of AI-generated product descriptions in PIM


To enable AI text generation, make sure Enable improved UI is enabled. Find the setting under User preferences (click the user icon located on the top right in PIM).

Feature overview


  • Text generation for supported types of PIM attribute fields
  • Easy configuration of example products
  • Custom instructions to specify text length, tone of voice, target audience, and more

Bizzkit recommends

There are several use cases where AI text generation in PIM is a useful tool to easily generate product texts, for example:

  • Creating product descriptions based on basic product data
  • Creating SEO texts for a specific market or channel
  • Shortening values of a product's text attributes
  • Rewriting product descriptions in a different tone of voice

Providing good example data is essential for a high-quality result, so it is recommended to spend some time setting up the configuration for the best possible outcome of the AI text generation.

Generating texts

Texts can be generated using BAIA for attribute fields that are configured to support this functionality. On the product details page, three action buttons appear below the text field, as shown in the following image:

AI text generation function available on product details page

AI text generation function available on product details page

Editing generated texts

AI-generated texts can easily be changed by the user, for example, if the generated text isn't entirely accurate or if it's missing some essential information. This can either be done by applying a manual change to a generated text on the fly or by regenerating a text. While editing texts, previous versions of the same text can be viewed as well, so it's easy for the user to pick the best version of the generated or edited text.


Previous versions of the generated text are only available while editing the text and will be discarded when the edit dialog is closed.

Editing an AI-generated text

Editing an AI-generated text

When using the function to generate a new text, a more specific instruction prompt can be provided by the user. This prompt will apply for this single text generation only and doesn't affect the configured instruction prompt for the attribute field.

Working with segmented attribute fields

The AI text generation function uses the preferred segmentation by default to provide input to the text generation engine about which segment on the attribute field to generate a text for.

However, when the active segment on an attribute field is not part of the preferred segmentation, the system asks the user to specify which segmentation a text should be generated for. The outputted text could be different depending on the configuration for each segment on the attribute field.


Assume a preferred segmentation is selected that has English as translation culture. If the text generation button is clicked when a different segment is active on the attribute field, for example, Danish, the system will ask the user to specify which segmentation to use for providing input to the text generation engine.

Segment "Danish" is active on attribute field
Segment Danish is active on attribute field

Configuring AI text generation

Before AI text generation is available on an attribute field, it has to be configured first. A new configuration can be created from the attribute details page, as seen in the screenshot below:

Set BAIA configuration for an attribute field

Set BAIA configuration for an attribute field

All existing configurations are listed on the BAIA Configuration page, which can be found under the Administration section in PIM. From here, existing configurations can be modified or deleted.

BAIA configuration for attribute fields

BAIA configuration for attribute fields

The following input parameters are to be configured per attribute field:

  • Attributes to use as input for the text generation
  • Golden products which set the standard of well-enriched products
  • Instruction prompt for providing context to the AI text generation engine

Relevant attributes

Attributes that should be used by the AI text generation engine as input for generating a text can be selected here. These attributes should be present on the product(s) for which the text is generated to get the best possible result.


Any attribute that does not use predefined values can be selected here.

Golden products

The products configured as golden products will act as example products for the AI text generation engine. Golden products are considered well-enriched products that BAIA will use while generating texts, so the text generation engine can derive from the products what the characteristics of the generated text should be. It also gets an idea of how the other attributes and master data properties on these golden products should be interpreted for use in the generated text.

Instruction prompt

Providing context to the AI text generation engine in the form of an instruction prompt allows users to customize the generated texts. The instruction prompt can contain any type of instruction, from text length restrictions to instructions regarding tone of voice and target audience.

The instruction prompt is segmented for segmented attribute field types. This means that a specific instruction prompt can be set for each segment, in case the data type of the attribute field AI text generation is configured for is a segmented type.


A custom instruction per segment allows for targeting different audiences, for example, when working with channel segmented product descriptions.

Validation errors

If attribute fields are used for AI text generation but are not fully configured for this purpose, a validation error will be shown in the UI when the text generation is triggered.

The following list shows the possible validation errors and how to correct them:

Validation message Solution
No instructions configured for the current segment. Add an instruction prompt to the BAIA configuration to the attribute field for a specific segment.
The current product did not resolve any values for the relevant attributes, please update the product with information required for generating a product text. Add the configured relevant input attributes to the product(s) which a text is being generated for.
The golden products you have selected do not contain text for the Attribute Name attribute you are trying to generate text for in the given segment. Set some text for the specified attribute on the configured golden products.

Supported data types

The following text-based data types are supported for AI text generation:

  • PString
  • PTranslatedString
  • PTranslatedStringD
  • PChannelSpecificString
  • PChannelSpecificStringD

Fields on single-valued attributes that use one of these data types can be configured to use AI text generation.


Read more about the different data types PIM has to offer and how to set up an attribute in PIM.