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How to use dashboards

The dashboard is a robust tool designed for efficient management of product information in e-commerce contexts. It features a comprehensive user interface that simplifies the process of handling product data. For more information about dashboards see our concept article.

Its functionality is largely dependent on filters, which are detailed in the Search & Filters section, and further explained in the guide on How to Search and Filter in PIM.

Creating a dashboard

Below is a step-by-step guide for creating a new dashboard and populating it with several widgets. In this example we are creating a simple SEO dashboard for products with no meta description, but you can add as many widgets as you want. The dashboard is then shared with users in the Role1-role.

Follow these steps to create the dashboard:

  1. Click on Dashboards in the main menu
  2. Click on + Dashboard
  3. Add a name and click the Create button
  4. Click on + Add widget
  5. Select Statistics in the Chart type field, add a title, select at dataset (filter) and add a label text
  6. Click Save
  7. Repeat to add other widgets
  8. To share a dashboard with other users
    1. Click the ... button right next to the + Add widget button
    2. Click Assign
    3. Choose a role or user
    4. Click Save

Creating a filter directly from a widget

In the following example, a new widget is added to an existing dashboard, which shows the amount of red products in the product catalog.


This example assumes there's a Color attribute which uses a global list containing the value Red.

  1. Open an existing dashboard
  2. Click on + Add widget
  3. Select Statistics in the Chart type field
  4. Set All red products as widget title
  5. Under Data sets click the Create new filter button
    1. This will navigate to the product list page in Set Filter mode
  6. Set a product filter to show all red products
    1. Click the Basic filters button
    2. Select the Color attribute from the list
      1. Search for it if it is not visible
    3. Select the Equals operator under Field type specific operators
    4. Select Red as value for the filter
    5. Click the Save filter button (in the top right corner of the screen)
  7. Set Red products as value in the Label field
  8. Click the Save button

Setting a filter directly from a dashboard widget

Setting a filter directly from a dashboard widget


Read more about setting filters on widgets directly in the concepts article.