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How to add an attribute to a product

Attributes in Bizzkit PIM are the specific details that describe a product, such as its color, size, material, or brand. They play a vital role in organizing and categorizing products within the system, allowing for efficient search and filtering. By defining and managing attributes, users can create a rich and detailed product catalog that enhances the shopping experience for customers.

For more information about attributes see our concept article and Attributes.

Adding an attribute through the PDP

Here is a step-by-step guide for adding attributes to the PDP (Product Details Page) through the user interface. In this example we will create a new 1-level product (no master) and add some attributes.

Follow these steps to add attributes on the PDP:

  1. Find or create a product and navigate to the PDP
  2. In the PDP select an attribute group
  3. Add one or more attributes from the Add Attribute-dropdown list
  4. If needed select another attribute group and add attributes
  5. Add data to the attributes
  6. Click the save icon, enter a name and click the Save and publish button

Attribute groups

In the PIM User Interface (UI), attributes are divided into attribute groups to help structure meta data. Any attributes that are not placed within a specific group can be found on the Other-tab, ensuring that all attributes, whether grouped or not, are easily accessible.

Attributes can be maintained and managed on the Attributes-tab.

Adding an attribute through the "Update product" bulk operation

Bulk operations provides a way to add attributes and values to a selection of products. Here is a step-by-step guide for adding attributes to two products.

Follow these steps to add attributes through the Update-bulk operation:

  1. Select one or more products on the PLP (Product List Page)
  2. Click on Choose an operation for the selected products from the Operations-button
  3. Click on update products
  4. Select Add new in the Merge rule-dropdown
  5. Add attribute and values (optional) from the Add attribute-dropdown
  6. Click next
  7. Click Execute and wait for the job to be executed