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AI text generation

To optimize productivity, you can use the AI text generation feature for both individual products and multiple products simultaneously. For more information on generating AI text for multiple products at once, go to AI text generation in Mass Edit.

There are two steps required to start generating texts using AI: setting up your configurations and generating the text. For more technical details, please refer to the concept documentation on AI text generation with BAIA.

Setting up your configuration

First, you need to create your configuration by navigating to the Attributes tab and selecting the attribute you want to configure. In our example, we will configure the Description attribute.

Select the attribute you wish to configure from the attribute table

Select the attribute you wish to configure from the attribute table

Scroll down to the field section, where you'll see a Configure button in the BAIA column, furthest to the right in the table.

For multiple field attributes, each field will have its own configuration button, allowing you to customize each one individually.

Press the 'Configure' button to start creating a configuration for the description attribute

Press the 'Configure' button to start creating a configuration for the description attribute

In this view, start by selecting the attributes you want BAIA to use when generating text.

Select the relevant attributes from the dropdown list

Select the relevant attributes from the dropdown list

Next, select your golden products. These are your well-enriched products that BAIA will use as examples when generating new text. Selecting at least two golden products helps provide the AI with more variety, improving the accuracy and quality of the generated descriptions.

For each language you want to generate text in, the golden products must include the attribute you're working with. In this example, that means the description attribute in English is required. For instance, to generate text in English, the golden product must already have an English description.

From the dropdown list, select a minimum of two golden products

From the dropdown list, select a minimum of two golden products

Now, customize BAIA’s behavior by writing an instruction prompt. This is where you can define the tone of voice, word count, style, and context for the generated text.

Examples of instruction prompts

Example 1

Create a concise and engaging product description that highlights key features and benefits. Use a professional tone, and aim for a length of 2-3 sentences. Focus on clarity and appeal to potential buyers by explaining why this product stands out.

Example 2

Generate a product description with a friendly, approachable tone. The description should explain the product's main uses and benefits, appealing to a broad audience. Keep the language simple and relatable.

Example 3

Write a detailed product description that includes the main features, benefits, and any unique selling points. The tone should be informative and persuasive, providing enough detail to help the customer make an informed purchase decision.

For segmented fields, such as the Description attribute in our example, you can set specific instructions for each segment. If the attribute supports translations, the instructions can also be translated accordingly.

Once you've provided the necessary instructions, click Save to finalize your configuration.

Type in a suitable instruction prompt

Type in a suitable instruction prompt

In the Settings tab, under Administration, you'll now find a BAIA Configuration section. This section displays a list of all your configurations. Use the basic filters to find specific configurations. These configurations are designed to be set up once, and from there, you're ready to apply them to your products.

Overview of all your BAIA configurations

Overview of all your BAIA configurations

Generate AI texts on individual products

Go to the product catalog and select the product for which you wish to generate text. Next, add the attribute you want to generate text for - in this case, the description attribute.

Press the 'Add Attribute' button

Press the 'Add Attribute' button

The Description attribute UI includes a text field, a settings button, and a generate text button. The settings button links to the configuration page for adjustments, while the generate button creates text based on the current configuration.

Press the Generate Text button, and BAIA will create a product description based on your specified attributes and instructions. If a description already exists, a data overwrite warning will appear before you can generate new text.

The 'Description' attribute UI includes a text field, a settings button, and a generate text button.

The 'Description' attribute UI includes a text field, a settings button, and a generate text button.

If you're generating a text for a segment different from the one, you're currently working in, for example, generating a Danish description while in an English segment, you'll need to select the correct segment from the list in the dialog before proceeding.

Ensure you select the appropriate segment from the dropdown list before generating a text, when working in a different language segment.

Ensure you select the appropriate segment from the dropdown list before generating a text, when working in a different language segment.

A description text has been generated for the description attribute.

A description text has been generated for the description attribute.

Now that we have generated a description, an additional button has appeared next to the Generate Text button. This new button allows you to edit the generated text if any adjustments are needed.

Modify the generated text using the 'Edit Generated Text' button to make any necessary adjustments.

Modify the generated text using the 'Edit Generated Text' button to make any necessary adjustments.

When pressing the Edit Generated Text button, a dialog opens with a text field displaying the current generated text. You can either edit the text directly or instruct BAIA on changes to make and generate a new version. While this dialog is open, you can create as many alternative texts as needed and navigate through them all. The system will remember all the instructions you've given BAIA during this edit session, so you don’t have to repeat the same instructions. Once you've decided which version to apply, press the Save Generated Text button. After saving, the text versions will reset.

The system saves your prompt history during the editing session.

The system saves your prompt history during the editing session.

Generate AI texts on multiple products

As an enhancement to the Mass Edit feature, you can now generate AI text while in Mass Edit mode. With advanced configuration of your attributes, larger text fields, and the ability to generate text for up to three different attributes for many products at once, you can work smarter and faster.


Read more about Mass Edit AI text generation here and how to create good configurations here.

There are two entry points to generate AI text in Mass Edit. While on the product list, you can use the dropdown arrow next to the Mass Edit button to access the AI text generation feature directly. Alternatively, you can switch to the text generation function from the top left corner while in Mass Edit mode.

  • Access the AI text generation feature in Mass Edit from product list.
    Access the AI text generation feature in Mass Edit from product list.
  • Switch to AI text generation while viewing Mass Edit.
    Switch to AI text generation while viewing Mass Edit.

When you press the AI Text Generation button, a dialog appears, allowing you to generate AI text for up to 100 products and three attributes across multiple products simultaneously. The system will automatically select configured attributes based on the columns you've previously applied in the product catalog.

Generate AI text with attributes pre-selected from your product catalog.

Generate AI text with attributes pre-selected from your product catalog.

If there is existing text in any of the products, you can choose to allow the AI-generated text to overwrite it. This option gives you the flexibility to update or replace outdated texts, ensuring your product information remains current and engaging.

Overwrite existing text

Overwrite existing text

When the user clicks the Generate Text button, BAIA will begin generating text, loading each entry one by one. This allows the user to review and assess each generated piece as it's created, ensuring it aligns with their expectations before finalizing. All text fields that have successfully generated content will display a green background color for easy identification.

BAIA generates text one piece at a time, with completed fields highlighted in green for easy review.

BAIA generates text one piece at a time, with completed fields highlighted in green for easy review.

When all the text is generated, the text fields will display a green background. If you're not satisfied, you can either edit the text directly in the field or generate a new version.

Edit or re-generate AI text if needed

Edit or re-generate AI text if needed

Remove generated text from any text field by clicking the Remove the segment from this product button.

Remove generated text from text field

Remove generated text from text field

If you want BAIA to generate a new AI text for an entire column, you can use the "More options" menu located at the top of every attribute. Clicking on this menu presents several options, including the ability to generate AI text for the entire column.

Use the "More options" menu to generate AI text for an entire column.

Use the "More options" menu to generate AI text for an entire column.

Since there is no guarantee against errors when using AI to create content, it is essential to check for mistakes each time you generate text.

Always review AI-generated content for errors to ensure accuracy.

Always review AI-generated content for errors to ensure accuracy.

When you are finished generating, editing, and reviewing your AI-generated text, be sure to save everything to ensure the content is stored in the system.

Save your generated and edited AI text to ensure it's stored in the system.

Save your generated and edited AI text to ensure it's stored in the system.