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Purpose of bundling products

Bundles in Bizzkit PIM can be used to logically group products that are tightly related to each other as a SKU. For example, this could be because they are supposed to be sold together or because the combination of products forms a selling unit.

Bundle characteristics

A bundle consists of one or more bundle items, which can be either:

  • References to products in PIM
  • Labeled bundle items

The two types of bundle items can be combined within the same bundle, depending on the use case.


Conceptually, a bundle is a regular product in PIM but with bundled items. This means that bundles appear in the product catalog just like regular products, and they can be searched and filtered.

Product reference bundle items

Bundle items typically consist of a product reference, which makes the referred product a part of the bundle. Using product references as a bundle item can be used for modelling a product package as a SKU, containing other products which are also available as SKU's.


A piece of build-it-yourself furniture often consists of multiple parts, like panels, screws, and knobs, which form the furniture product (the bundle). All of these parts are typically available in the PIM product catalog as SKUs and can be referred to from the bundle as bundle items. This means they could be sold as spare parts as well, without having to duplicate any product data in PIM.

Labeled bundle items

As an alternative to using product references as bundle items, labels can be used. This is particularly useful for cases where the bundle concept is used to bundle "virtual" items, meaning they don't exist as SKUs in the product catalog. By using labeled bundle items in combination with attributes on each bundle item, modeling bundle items is very flexible, and there's no need to refer to actual products directly from the bundle item.


In cases where a bundle item is to be resolved based on some conditions, using labeled bundle items is a good solution. This allows for more complex modeling, using the built-in attribute collection on each bundle item. The bundle item is identified using the Label property instead of a product reference.

Bundle item properties

Each bundle item has the following properties:

  • Quantity
  • Note
  • Attribute collection


A numeric property indicating an amount for each bundle item within the product bundle. The Quantity of a bundle item can be set through the PIM UI, as well as by importing bundles using the CSV import format.


A simple textual property which can be used to describe the function or role of the bundle item within this bundle. The Note of a bundle item can be set through the PIM UI, as well as by importing bundles using the CSV import format.

Attribute collection

Attributes can be assigned to each bundle item, providing full flexibility regarding storing metadata on each relation between the bundle and the bundle item. The attribute collection of a bundle item can be set through the PIM UI, as well as by importing bundles using the CSV import format.


Attributes are available for use on bundle items if they are part of an attribute group which has target Bundle association, or if they're not part of an attribute group at all.

Bundle targeted attribute groups

When a product contains bundle items, it is handled as a bundle. This means that any attribute groups with the target set to Bundle administration appear on the product's details page. All remaining attribute groups, except for the Other attribute group, that were present on the product before are no longer visible. Any attributes that were part of those attribute groups are now moved to the Other attribute group.

Bundle items with an attribute collection can contain attribute groups as well. Targeting an attribute group to be available on a bundle item, is done by using the Bundle association target.


Read more about targeting attribute groups and how to use them.