Data types
Bizzkit PIM offers an advanced type system which is the foundation of PIM attributes. It is based upon the primitive .NET types.
Commonly used data types
The following data types are most commonly used and can be considered the base of a typical data model in Bizzkit PIM:
- PString
- PTranslatedString
- PInt32
- PDecimal2
- PBrand
- PBoolean
- PDateTime
Basic types
Basic types are types that contain a single value.
In the following, the Roundtrip format documents how the type is represented when exchanging data with external systems and values are converted to a string.
The string representation is guaranteed to roundtrip perfectly regardless of cultural settings, data type ranges in non-.NET programming languages, etc.
Numeric types
Data type | Description | Range | Roundtrip format |
PInt16 | 16-bit signed integer. Equivalent with System.Int16 in .NET. |
-32,768 to 32,767 | Example: "32767" |
PInt32 | 32-bit signed integer. Equivalent with System.Int32 in .NET. |
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | Example: "2147483647" |
PInt64 | 64-bit signed integer. Equivalent with System.Int64 in .NET. |
–9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 | Example: "9223372036854775807" |
Represents an exact decimal value.
PIM decimal types are based on the .NET System.Decimal
type. They are named PDecimalN (where N=1..9) and all have 18 significant digits where N denotes the Number of digits that are reserved for decimal values.
So PDecimalN has 18-N digits before the decimal point and N digit(s) after.
Data type | Range | Roundtrip format |
PDecimal1 | [-]{0..99999999999999999}[.{0..9}] | Example: "99999999999999999.9" |
PDecimal2 | [-]{0..9999999999999999}[.{0..99}] | Example: "9999999999999999.99" |
PDecimal3 | [-]{0..999999999999999}[.{0..999}] | Example: "999999999999999.999" |
PDecimal4 | [-]{0..99999999999999}[.{0..9999}] | Example: "99999999999999.9999" |
PDecimal5 | [-]{0..9999999999999}[.{0..99999}] | Example: "9999999999999.99999" |
PDecimal6 | [-]{0..999999999999}[.{0..999999}] | Example: "999999999999.999999" |
PDecimal7 | [-]{0..99999999999}[.{0..9999999}] | Example: "99999999999.9999999" |
PDecimal8 | [-]{0..9999999999}[.{0..99999999}] | Example: "9999999999.99999999" |
PDecimal9 | [-]{0..999999999}[.{0..999999999}] | Example: "999999999.999999999" |
If a value is specified with more than N digit(s) after the decimal point, the value will be rounded to N digit(s) using ordinary rounding rules (0..4 => down and 5..9 => up).
If a value is specified with more than 18-N digits before the decimal point, an ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown in the constructor.
Date and time
Represents a time interval that's independent of date and time of day.
Internally uses .NET's System.TimeSpan
and it's stored as the number of ticks.
A tick is 100 nanoseconds or one ten-millionth of a second.
It ranges from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 ticks to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 ticks which corresponds to slightly more than negative 10,675,199 days to slightly more than 10,675,199 days.
Roundtrip format is [-]d.hh:mm:ss.fffffff
, where
- d = number of whole days
- hh = 2 digit number of whole hours in the time interval that aren't counted as part of days
- mm = 2 digit number of whole minutes in the time interval that aren't included as part of hours or days
- ss = 2 digit number of whole seconds in the time interval that aren't included as part of hours, days, or minutes
- fffffff = ten-millionths of a second (or the fractional ticks) in a time interval
Example: "10675199.02:48:05.4775807"
Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day.
Internally uses .NET's System.DateTime
, but unlike System.DateTime
, it truncates seconds, miliseconds and offset.
The type should not be used if time zone is important. In that case use PDateTimeOffset instead.
It ranges from 1/1/0001 12:00 AM to 12/31/9999 11:59 PM (in the Gregorian calendar).
Roundtrip format is yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.fffffff
, where
- yyyy = 4 digit year
- MM = 2 digit month
- dd = 2 digit day
- hh = 2 digit hours
- mm = 2 digit minutes
- ss = digit seconds
- fffffff = ten-millionth of a second
Example: "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"
The second and fractional part is not supported by the PDateTime type itself. It's purely a preparation in the roundtrip format for a future change in case it's decided to support greater precision in PDateTime.
Represents a point in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day, relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Internally uses .NET's System.DateTimeOffset
, but unlike System.DateTimeOffset
, it truncates seconds and miliseconds.
It ranges from 1/1/0001 12:00 AM +00:00 to 12/31/9999 11:59 PM +00:00. Valid offsets are -12:00 to +14:00 as long as they don't exceed the minimum and maximum value above.
Roundtrip format is yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.fffffff[+|-]zzz
, where
- yyyy = 4 digit year
- MM = 2 digit month
- dd = 2 digit day
- hh = 2 digit hours
- mm = 2 digit minutes
- ss = digit seconds
- fffffff = ten-millionth of a second
- zzz = timezone offset from UTC, measured in hours and minutes (hh:mm)
Example: "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999+00:00"
The second and fractional part is not supported by the PDateTimeOffset type itself. It's purely a preparation in the roundtrip format for a future change in case it's decided to support greater precision in PDateTimeOffset.
Strings and characters
Data type | Description | Roundtrip format |
PChar | Unicode 16-bit character. Equivalent with System.Char in .NET. |
Example: "a" |
PString | Represents text as a sequence of UTF-16 code units. Equivalent with System.String in .NET. |
Example: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" |
Referential types
Represents a link between an attribute value and an entity such as an image or product in PIM.
In the database mapping, referential types are stored in a column with a foreign key constraint ensuring referential integrity.
Referential types are based on PGuid and PInt32.
Data type | Description | Roundtrip format |
PMediaBank6File | Referential link to a file in Bizzkit DAM | Example: "43b154d9-4687-460f-b1fd-31735e6bbb44" |
PContentManagement7Article | Referential link to an article in the Bizzkit CMS | Example: "43b154d9-4687-460f-b1fd-31735e6bbb44" |
PYouTubeVideo | Referential link to a YouTube video | Example: "43b154d9-4687-460f-b1fd-31735e6bbb44" |
PBrand | Referential link to a brand | Example: "43b154d9-4687-460f-b1fd-31735e6bbb44" |
PUser | Referential link to a user | Example: "43b154d9-4687-460f-b1fd-31735e6bbb44" |
PProductCatalogueItem | Referential link to a product catalogue item | Example: "43b154d9-4687-460f-b1fd-31735e6bbb44" |
PAttribute | Referential link to an attribute | Example: "43b154d9-4687-460f-b1fd-31735e6bbb44" |
PChannel | Referential link to a channel | Example: "1" |
Other types
Data type | Description | Range | Roundtrip format |
PBoolean | Represents a Boolean (true or false) value. | False and True | Example: "True" |
PGuid | Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID). | From wikipedia: A guid is a 128-bit value commonly displayed as 32 hexadecimal digits with groups separated by hyphens, such as 21EC2020-3AEA-4069-A2DD-08002B30309D | Example: "43b154d9-4687-460f-b1fd-31735e6bbb44" |
Segmented types
A segmented type represents a single logical value consisting of multiple values segmented by a segmentation key.
Segmented types are built on top of basic types.
Translation culture
Types that are segmented on translation culture.
Data type | Segment data type | Description |
PTranslationCultureSpecificBoolean | PBoolean | Boolean (true or false) value that can be set per translation culture. For example: en-GB: true da-DK: false se-SV: true |
PTranslationCultureSpecificBooleanD | PBoolean | Boolean (true or false) value that can be set per translation culture and has a default value for when no appropriate translation culture exists. For example: DEFAULT: true da-DK: false se-SV: true |
PTranslationCultureSpecificDecimal2 | PDecimal2 | Exact decimal value with 2 digits after the decimal point. Value can be set per translation culture. For example: en-GB: 35.00 da-DK: 1835487.95 se-SV: 2000.50 |
PTranslationCultureSpecificDecimal2D | PDecimal2 | Exact decimal value with 2 digits after the decimal point. Value can be set per translation culture and has a default value for when no appropriate translation culture exists. For example: DEFAULT: 35.00 da-DK: 1835487.95 se-SV: 2000.50 |
PTranslatedString | PString | String that can be translated into several translation cultures. For example: en-GB: "the quick fox jumps over the lazy brown dog" da-DK: "den hurtige brune ræv springer over den dovne hund" se-SV: "den snabba bruna räven hoppar över den lata hunden" |
PTranslatedStringD | PString | String that can be translated into several translation cultures and has a default value for when no appropriate translation culture exists. For example: DEFAULT: "the quick fox jumps over the lazy brown dog" da-DK: "den hurtige brune ræv springer over den dovne hund" se-SV: "den snabba bruna räven hoppar över den lata hunden" |
Types that are segmented on device.
Data type | Segment data type | Description |
PResponsiveMediaBank6File | PMediaBank6File | Referential link to a MediaBank 6 file that can be targeted specific devices. For example: iPhone: 0b8e5ef5-a890-43da-9e02-dda74f0645b5 iPad: 5e280b08-7649-4e0e-a344-0922987210be Desktop: a44a170a-40cc-48e0-a0e3-82cb7f42499a |
PResponsiveMediaBank6FileD | PMediaBank6File | Referential link to a file in MediaBank 6 that can be a targeted specific devices and has a default value for when no appropriate device exists. For example: DEFAULT: a44a170a-40cc-48e0-a0e3-82cb7f42499a iPhone: 0b8e5ef5-a890-43da-9e02-dda74f0645b5 iPad: 5e280b08-7649-4e0e-a344-0922987210be |
Types that are segmented on channel.
Data type | Segment data type | Description |
PChannelSpecificBoolean | PBoolean | Boolean (true or false) value that can be set per channel. For example: iPhone: true iPad: false Desktop: true |
PChannelSpecificBooleanD | PBoolean | Boolean (true or false) value that can be set per channel and has a default value for when no appropriate channel exists. For example: DEFAULT: true iPhone: true iPad: false |
PChannelSpecificDecimal2 | PDecimal2 | Exact decimal value with 2 digits after the decimal point. Value can be set per channel. For example: iPod: 35.00 iPad: 1835487.95 Desktop: 2000.50 |
PChannelSpecificDecimal2D | PDecimal2 | Exact decimal value with 2 digits after the decimal point. Value can be set per channel and has a default value for when no appropriate channel exists. For example: DEFAULT: 35.00 iPad: 1835487.95 Desktop: 2000.50 |
PChannelSpecificInt32 | PInt32 | Integer value that can be set per channel. For example: iPhone: 35 iPad: 1835487 Desktop: 2000 |
PChannelSpecificInt32D | PInt32 | Integer value that can be set per channel and has a default value for when no appropriate channel exists. For example: DEFAULT: 35 iPad: 1835487 Desktop: 2000 |
PChannelSpecificString | PString | String value which can be set per channel. For example: iPhone: "the quick fox jumps over the lazy brown dog" iPad: "den hurtige brune ræv springer over den dovne hund" Desktop: "den snabba bruna räven hoppar över den lata hunden" |
PChannelSpecificStringD | PString | String value which can be set per channel and has a default value for when no appropriate channel exists. For example: DEFAULT: "the quick fox jumps over the lazy brown dog" iPad: "den hurtige brune ræv springer over den dovne hund" Desktop: "den snabba bruna räven hoppar över den lata hunden" |
PChannelSpecificProductCatalogueItem | PProductCatalogueItem | Referential link to a product catalogue item that can be targeted specific devices. For example: iPhone: 0b8e5ef5-a890-43da-9e02-dda74f0645b5 iPad: 5e280b08-7649-4e0e-a344-0922987210be Desktop: a44a170a-40cc-48e0-a0e3-82cb7f42499a |
PChannelSpecificProductCatalogueItemD | PProductCatalogueItem | Referential link to a product catalogue item that can be targeted specific devices and has a defalt value for when no appropriate channel exists. For example: DEFAULT: 0b8e5ef5-a890-43da-9e02-dda74f0645b5 iPad: 5e280b08-7649-4e0e-a344-0922987210be Desktop: a44a170a-40cc-48e0-a0e3-82cb7f42499a |
Types that are segmented on market.
Data type | Segment data type | Description |
PMarketSpecificBoolean | PBoolean | Boolean (true or false) value that can be set per channel, which for example could be used to control in which market a specific product should be available. |
PMarketSpecificDecimal2 | PDecimal2 | Exact decimal value with 2 digits after the decimal point. Value can be set per market. For example: Denmark: 25.00 Sweden: 30.00 |